Walk through central park – 13/09/2020
On September 13, 2020 by Sophie MartynToday I went on a walk-through central park with my dogs, I took some photos of the trees and the flowers. It was quite a hot day resulting quite a lot of people being out walking their dogs, I tried my hardest to make sure none of them were in the photos. Just in case they didn’t want to be in the background of my photo. The photos I took were mainly off trees, but I also took a few of the while flowers and paths leading to different areas of the park. This uses the use of leading lines. For the flowers I have made sure that, I had the flowers in focus for example the dandelion. I also found and old looking car so I took some photos from the side. On the way back from the park, I went along a road which has really colourful houses and doors and took some photos. This results in a collection of different doors. I plan on combining them with other photos of doors that I have taken over the past few months.
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