First half term final evaluation.
On November 1, 2020 by Sophie Martyn
What ideas and inspiration did you get from artist research?
When I researched artists and looked through their work I got alot of inspiration for my photos. I like to look at artists if i am finding it hard to decide what to do. Sometimes when I can’t find an artist, I will look on Pinterest or/ and Instagram and look in depth and try to find an artist from Pinterest or Instagram.
What ideas and inspiration did you get from the world around you?
If I see something I like online or if I see people taking a photo i will think about how I could take a photo and capture the scene around me. I like to take a few photos of the same thing as I never know which is the best photo until it comes to photoshopping/ editing.
Do you think you researched widely enough or in enough depth?
When i researched my artists this half term i did look in depth but not as much as I wanted to. I will possibly go back in and research more in depth until I’m happy with the way I researched. I do choose artists which don’t have too much information on their websites.
How well do the images you produced communicate the ideas behind the various photo tasks?
I think my images do communicate the ideas I’m trying to convey well. I make sure that I’m staying in the path of what I want to shoot when I am doing it. I don’t like doing different things from what I am set/ what I set myself to do. If I don’t think they communicate well then I will retake the photo.
Techniques and Processes:
What new techniques did you learn or experiment with? (eg: camera work / photoshop / WordPress / design).
The new techniques I have learnt are:
how to shoot in raw on the camera.
I have learnt how to use WordPress.
I have learnt how to Photoshop my photos in different ways.
I have relearnt the different meanings on the camera.
I have learned about different software I can use to edit my photos.
Did you push yourself to try new things?
Normally I like to stick with landscapes or things that I am good at but I have learnt how to take photos with a micro lens, I have pushed myself to try new things like astrophotography, and sun rise photography. I am most happy about trying a new way to take portraits with different lighting as normally I just use one light.
Core Skills:
What English and Maths skills did you use/improve with your project work or photography?
I think the Maths Core skills helped me with different settings on the camera like shutter speed, image size, the ISO settings. and I also think that the English helped me with my image analysis and formal element work.
What aspects of the work did you enjoy/not enjoy?
I do like most of the things that we do. I like the fortnightly tasks and the different tasks we do each day but I do think it is a lot of work as we are set the task each day to do. It is manageable but it is still a lot.
How well have you engaged with college and what helped you to/prevented you from engaging with the project work?
I think I have engaged with college quite well. things that help me to prevent me from completing the project work is writing them down on a to-do list, doing them as soon as I can, making sure that I have planned it so I can complete it how I would like it to look, what also helps me is making a draft on my WordPress website as then ill go back to check over my work i am reminded i need to do.
High Points and Low Points:
Overall, what are you most proud of? What are you least proud of?
I am most proud of my landscape work which is due in after half term. Also the tasks I set myself eg the astrophotography. I am not unhappy with any of my my photos due to me retaking them until I like them. this does take a lot of my time I’m but I like to make sure I like the photos.
What are the key things you want to work more on next term?
The key things I would like to work more on in the next term is Analysation I am very confident in writing about my work but I would like to have a writing frame or or prompt to help me start off.
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