Author: Sophie Martyn

FINAL OUTCOME – 08/02/2021

This is my final two outcomes :


This is my final evaluation for the first part of the “puropose” project. I went through pinterest and I also saw a dazed cover which caught my eye. My original idea was to take photos of people from diverse backgrounds but because of the lockdown I was unable to go ahead with that idea, I

PEER REVIEW -26/01/2021

This is what Lloyd who did my peer review had to say : Artist Research: How have they researched artists in relation to the project and various tasks from the last few weeks? Is their research independent or based solely on material shown in taught sessions?  Sophie’s research is a healthy mixture of both independent

WORLD Food photography shoot – 19/01/21

For my world food photography, I took a photo of different spices on a spoon. I took the photos from different angles. I wanted to take photos of spices because the spices have loads of different textures. I arranged  them so that the spoon heads were next to each other. One of my favorite ones

STOP MOTION – 18/01/2021

I used a rocket and I slowly moved it along a peice of paper adding flames on the end to add the effect that it was moving.  This is the feedback i got on my stop motion work.  it took me a few tries to make it look like it was moving. I wanted to

Identity Poster task – 14/01/2021

For the identity poster task I decided to create a poster inspired by one I saw on Pinterest which had a model on one side of the page then let it be on a white box covering the other half of her head. I liked the style of this poster because of how simple the

Fashion, Identity & Subcultural Styles – 13/01/2021

My group got set the genre of rave to look into the fashion and identity of people who are into rave music. We looked at the way people who listen to rave music or people who go to rave concerts/ festivals wear and there were quite a lot of different photos and fashion. This is

Social Media & Body Image Article Task – 12/01/2021

I answered the questions that were given to us and then I read what was on the website. These are the questions and answers I got: 1) The article suggests that social media use appears to be linked to body image concerns. But do you think it is the case that Instagram causes someone to

Annie Liebovitz – 10/01/2021

JOHN LENNON and YOKO ONO, New York, 1980 Annie Liebovitz is a celebrated American photographer best known for her engaging and dramatic celebrity portraits.  I like the way that Annie has taken simple portraits. They are simple but tell a lot about the person. they are either in black and white or they have a

Francesco Tonelli – 9/01/2021

He is not just a photographer – he is a guide who takes his clients and guests on new and exciting journeys into the world of food. Born in the Marche region of Italy and raised in Milan, Francesco’s style is rooted in a deep, passionate and lifelong understanding of food. The way he takes

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